
Cultural Competence: Is it Attainable Amidst Our Rich Tapestry of Differences?

Join us for a thought-provoking 60-minute online Zoom meeting as we delve into the intriguing topic of cultural competence. In this session, we will explore the question of whether achieving cultural competence is possible and discuss strategies for navigation the challenges presented by cultural differences. We will provide practical guidance on where to acquire the [...]


August Reflection Hours

Winners do not have "To-Do Lists". They have “Got Done Lists” How good are you at measuring your progress? Join us every last day of the month (excluding Saturday & Sunday) for the reflection hour with Quiet Tenacity. Event fee: Complimentary Type: Zoom meeting Register in advance for this Zoom meeting here: Sign up


The Quiet Tenacity Cultural Curiosity Training

Unleash your company's potential by harnessing the power of diversity through our Cultural Curiosity Training program. In a rapidly globalizing Canadian workplace with 1.45 million anticipated immigrants over the next three years, cultural competence has become a key business imperative. Our program is designed to nurture cultural curiosity, driving understanding and respect for differing backgrounds, [...]

Ukrainian Canadian Congress – Expert Insights Webinar Series – Work Culture in Canada

We're thrilled to announce that Inna Tuka, the founder and managing director of Quiet Tenacity, will be a featured speaker at the upcoming Expert Insights Webinar Series, hosted by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. This special program is dedicated to supporting Ukrainians who have found refuge in Canada due to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Why [...]